Access the Ascension Gates
What a Breakthrough Year! We are in the midst of a global collective shift into 5D! As you look back on the past 10 months…where are you breaking free of old constriction, dense, stuck emotions or limiting mental constructs? What have you shaken loose, let go of or broken free from? Where are you breaking through vibrational barriers?
We are crossing a threshold point into higher-dimensional consciousness. The cosmic Ascension Plan, led by AA Metatron, has entered the earthly domain. This is becoming physical now. This last year the planet up-leveled at similar capacity as in 2012. I’ve noticed so many similarities between 2012 and 2024…earth-shattering breakthroughs!
In support of Metatron’s Ascension Plan into 5D, this past year I have been collaborating with the angelic guardians in anchoring and activating the earthly Ascension Gates at Mount Shasta (root chakra), at Zep Tepi Egyptian Temples (throat chakra) and at Glastonbury Tor (heart chakra).
A quick refresher…during the Orion ET Wars and Atlantean invasion, the fallen ones shattered, annihilated and vaporized all earthly gates and guardians. Those of us involved guarding the gates during the invasion have been healing and transmuting deep core wounds since 2012. We have answered the clarion call to rebuild and replace with new Ascension Gates at all the earth chakras and sacred sites.
Since 2012, many awakened Starseeds have contributed to clearing and transmuting Gaia’s chakras and grid. I traveled to the 3 chakra sites mentioned this past year and can confirm all Ascension Gates are now alive and active. As a guardian of the gates, I have been called to live on Mount Shasta’s ley lines and portal to oversee the root chakra’s Ascension Gates at the top of the mountain. All is birthed and propagated from the root…it is where the seeds grow and materialize in the earth plane.
Now that the earthly Ascension Gates are operational, the entire collective field is experiencing incoming surges of new Ascension energies. This is unlike anything I have ever felt before. These new Ascension energies may feel overwhelming to the physical body, but also exciting and uplifting to the inner spirit.
I will be sharing more details on my time in Egypt and how these new Ascension energies are affecting the global shift.
Lovingly, Meg Benedicte