New Year — New Earth Possibilities
Welcome to 2022! We start the new year with a New Moon at 12° Capricorn and Jupiter at 0° Pisces. On January 19th the North Node of destiny changes signs from Gemini to Taurus for 19 months. Although the dominant 2021 astrology of Saturn-Uranus square will continue to influence 2022, the transit enters the integration phase. Clearly, we are not returning to life as it was prior to the pandemic. The sooner we accept this, the easier we flow with the changes.
The progression from 12/12/2019 Timeline bifurcation, to 2020’s Saturn/Pluto conjunction of collapsing systems, into 2021’s rapid Saturn-Uranus societal changes — we are experiencing the reset/restart activation of the New Earth Timeline.
The Capricorn New Moon launches 2022 with new opportunities and fresh beginnings. During the month of January, the feeling of inner renewal is enhanced when personal planets Venus, Mercury and Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn. Set your personal visions and intentions for 2022 while the ‘renewal’ emphasis is strongest. Dream BIG!
In numerology, 2022 is a 6 Universal Year! This year will focus on home, family, community, balance and harmony. There is a significant 222 emphasis throughout the year — enhancing new beginnings, soul purpose and positive influence in life. 2 represents feminine energy. 2022 is coded to establish more feminine balance in the world.
There is much to look forward to as we embrace the new year. Jupiter in Pisces initiates more hope, optimism, expansive visions and infinite possibilities. Let’s connect with AA Metatron and establish a new trajectory into 2022 in unity consciousness. We were born for this time. We are the Wayshowers of Light. We are birthing the New Earth!
Join other Light Bearers, Gridworkers, and Star Beings from all around the world, as we gather on January 8th for Metatron Activations to launch the New Year. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:
Lovingly, Meg
Copyright © 2021 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved *