Solar Eclipse — Cosmic Blessings & Good Fortune
Why are the eclipses so life-transforming this year? The upcoming eclipses occur on the Taurus (North) and Scorpio (South) nodal axis until July 17, 2023. In astrology the lunar nodes reveal your karmic path in this lifetime. The South Node reveals your karma, your past lives and the gifts you’ve brought in. The North Node reveals your dharma and destiny, the new direction unfolding in this lifetime.
While the eclipses fall on the Taurus/Scorpio nodes, we can anticipate more spiritual awakening as the density veils shift and lift. The internal dynamic between Taurus and Scorpio seeks balance between the physical and metaphysical realms. As we rise from the ashes (Scorpio) will we integrate and embody (Taurus) our divinity? The Taurus/Scorpio eclipses initiate deeper soul-searching in our quest in becoming divine humans.
Many New Earth Wayshowers are encoded in their soul blueprint as system-busters and cycle-breakers. With revolutionary Uranus influencing this Saturday’s Taurus solar eclipse, we are witnessing a global tsunami of cycle-breaking. As the old power system decomposes from the rot within, the Taurus/Scorpio eclipses assist the new system to become earthbound. As we extract our energy, light, power and life force from the old corrupted system, it becomes weakened, unsustainable. As we infuse our light and power into the New Earth Timeline, it ignites and roars to life as our new foundation and homebase on Gaia.
This Saturday’s solar eclipse is an extraordinary time to start new projects and begin a new chapter in your life. During a solar eclipse all possibilities are on the table. With Uranus conjunct the Taurus eclipse, opportunities unfold beyond your imagination. The Taurus eclipse sextile Mars provides an extra boost of confidence and courage to make the necessary changes required to birth your Ascension life.
Also on April 30th, the cosmos blesses us with an additional starkiss as Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces during the solar eclipse. When beautiful Venus aligns with benevolent Jupiter the field lights up with an infusion of love, harmony, abundance and happiness. This transit spreads the Love vibe with lucky good fortune! As we join together in the Eclipse Gateway, we will soak in the sweetness, filling our hearts with divine Venus-Jupiter blessings.
Join other New Earth Wayshowers, Master Alchemists and Star Beings from all around the world on Saturday, April 30 for the Solar Eclipse Gateway Activations. Experience quantum time-jumping with AA Metatron into the galactic realm of unity consciousness. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:
Lovingly, Meg Benedicte
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